Wi-Fi HaLow is Coming and Bringing Connectivity Ranges That Top a Half-Mile
If you haven’t already been hearing chatter about Wi-Fi HaLow among industry pros, you will be soon. A next-generation spectrum of Wi-Fi, HaLow recently received certification from the Wi-Fi Alliance and could soon begin making appearances in real-world applications. What …

Has the Age of Wi-Fi 6E Finally Arrived?
Well, it’s finally happened! Wireless LANs can easily exceed the speed and bandwidth of the internet pipes coming into the building that supplies them. What does that mean? Now is the time to upgrade structured wiring to fiber and devices …

Should your customers stick with Wi-Fi or Switch to a Smart Home Hub?
When it comes to smart homes, your customers have more options than ever. Wi-Fi, the old IEEE wireless standard, is still the most ubiquitous and least expensive approach. But for some homes, Wi-Fi might not be the most advantageous, especially …

Smart Home Tech Opens up New Opportunities for the Multi-skilled Integrator
Today’s home tech professionals are the unsung heroes of the wireless age. The days where someone would come into a home, hook up a few cables, and leave a card are over. Whether working for a major telecom, as an …

Wi-Fi 6E is on the Horizon
Back in April, the Federal Communications Commission voted to open up a plot of spectrum in the 6GHz band for unlicensed use. This is the same regulatory go-ahead that allows your router to broadcast over 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. Basically, …

How to Maximize Broadband Access Outside your Service Areas and Maintain Quality
If your users live in rural areas where typical internet speeds aren’t fast (especially if they’re working from home) there are some options to fix this problem. One technique of extending broadband access to end users located beyond the serving …

Why You Should be Installing a Plastic Media Panel over Metal
More and more people are turning houses into smart homes with the ability to remotely control appliances, lights, computers, security cams, etc. from a computer, tablet or smartphone. It can be a nightmare trying to manage all the cables and …

Opportunities to Meet Demands of 4K Streaming
In the world of home entertainment, there are a pair of persistent trends that telco professionals should be leveraging to their advantage. One is the now long-running trend of people cutting the cord on cable and relying solely on streaming …

Will LiFi Soon Replace WiFi?
As more household items become smart and connect to the internet, it’s tempting to see a future where wireless connectivity reigns supreme and reliance on hard-wired Ethernet connections all but disappear. However, as the need for wireless connectivity grows, we’re …

Tapping the Brakes on 5G’s Hype
If there’s a singular truth about 5G it’s this: If you polled every single IT or telco executive in the world and asked them to list the most important trends in their industry, virtually all of them would put 5G …