The Problems Emerging with 5G
As 5G technology moves into real-world implementation the problems it faces are not only becoming clearer but also more concrete. What were once theoretical challenges—things to be solved another day—are now materializing as real barriers to faster adoption and application. …
Smart Home Trends to Watch For in 2022
As 2022 begins, it is more apparent than ever that internet networks—both residential and commercial—are struggling to meet demand. From too many devices competing for bandwidth to inadequate broadband and fiber infrastructure in rural areas, how we access the internet …
Year in Review: 2021 By the Numbers You Need to Know
As 2021 draws to a close it’s a great time to look back at some of the big trends that are making waves in networking, internet infrastructure, and new construction. Not surprisingly, many of the pandemic-related trends established in 2020—such …
Fiber Optic Trends to Watch in 2021
Earlier this month we looked at some of the top telco trends to watch out for in 2021. From the long-promised rollout of consumer-ready 5G cellular, to the rise of edge computing, we’re seeing the need for high-bandwidth, high-speed broadband …
Top Telecom Trends to Watch in 2021
With a new year upon us, it’s a natural time to look ahead at the top telecom trends to watch in 2021. From 5G to edge computing to the Internet of Things, some of the recurring trends we’ve been hearing …
Why 5G Needs Fiber to Thrive
The 5G era has begun. In the last year, 5G networks have been popping up all over North America. Estimates say that by 2023, up to 32% of North American mobile connections will be on a 5G network. Worldwide 5G, …
Broadband’s next frontier is on the horizon—introducing 10G
This past September, an alliance of three companies unveiled the 10G Smart Home. In Ames, Iowa, U.S. cable operator Mediacom, CableLabs, and NCTA (Internet & Television Association) demonstrated the capabilities of an enhanced broadband network in a house with over …
How 5G helps move to Open RAN tech and virtualization to telco
Currently, Huawei, Nokia, and Ericsson dominate telco. These three giants share 80% of the market. Using proprietary hardware, architecture, and software systems, their networks are effectively black boxes. However, the advent of 5G is likely to change that. The new …
Tapping the Brakes on 5G’s Hype
If there’s a singular truth about 5G it’s this: If you polled every single IT or telco executive in the world and asked them to list the most important trends in their industry, virtually all of them would put 5G …
Edge Computing and the Third Act of the Internet
What will the next phase of the internet look like? Where are the opportunities for providers and installers? What trends and patterns do industry pros need to be aware of? These are just some of the questions that are explored …