Top Telecom Trends to Watch in 2021
With a new year upon us, it’s a natural time to look ahead at the top telecom trends to watch in 2021. From 5G to edge computing to the Internet of Things, some of the recurring trends we’ve been hearing …

Edge Computing and the Third Act of the Internet
What will the next phase of the internet look like? Where are the opportunities for providers and installers? What trends and patterns do industry pros need to be aware of? These are just some of the questions that are explored …

How AI will control the smart home in the near future
In recent years we’ve seen the smart home get smarter with voice-activated speakers that can control simple household functions. But with an increase in adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), smart homes will be able to do …

Smart home trends to watch in 2019
For those wanting to live like the Jetsons or Tony Stark, 2019 might just be their year. As we look ahead to the smart home trends that are expected to dominate the industry, one trend rules them all: The smart …

Why smart bathrooms could be the next big thing
What’s the first thing customers consider when setting up their smart homes? Maybe security features like smart doorbells and smart lighting; or entertainment options like smart TV and a connected stereo. Whatever it is, their wishes should be taken into …

Telco Trends: Why the Industry Needs AI
As a broadband installer, you are likely affected by the growing field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. Every time you wire a media panel for a customer, you are powering the potential for AI in their home. You can also …

Telco Trends: Artificial Intelligence in the Smart Home
Many of your customers are using some smart home features and connected home entertainment systems housed in a high-quality network enclosure. They may also be among the millions of North Americans who have purchased an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant in …