What Every Broadband Installer Needs to Know About VOIP
One of the most ubiquitous technologies ever invented is the traditional phone system. Ever since Alexander Graham Bell invented it in 1876, people everywhere have used it to speak to one another. The original system used electricity in copper wire …

CRTC Broadband Availability Map Shows Digital Divide in Canada
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) unveiled a new map that shows the availability of broadband Internet access service at or above the target speeds of 5 megabits per second download and 1 megabits per second upload within hexagon …

What is the Internet of Things?
Many people are talking about the Internet of Things (IoT) as if it were the greatest thing to ever happen to the planet, but what is it exactly? The term was first used in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, a director …

Everything a Broadband Installer Needs to Know about Streaming Content
Have you ever installed broadband and a homeowner starts to quiz you on topics like streaming content? These days, consumers are turning to the Internet to satisfy all of their entertainment needs. With a dizzying amount of programming choices and …

Telco Trends in 2016
High Speed Networks in 2016 Last year saw significant increases in smart homes and devices as the Internet of Things continued to grow. Along with video streaming, this has caused greater demand for high speed broadband and networking. We look …

What speed is your Internet?
The speed of the Internet as it enters a home or business varies widely depending on a number of factors including the type of connection and equipment used. Obviously, the type of connection will make the most difference. Over the …

The Switch from Legacy Copper to Fiber
Did you know our telephone network dates back more than 100 years? Often known as POTS (plain old telephone system), it’s what the industry calls a “legacy technology” and was developed from the original system invented by Alexander Graham Bell …

Will broadband become a basic utility?
The question of whether or not broadband Internet service should be considered a public utility is a hot-button issue, especially in the U.S., where the battle over net neutrality rages on. Internet service providers are currently classified as information services, …