What is Gigabit Internet and How Do You Get It?
You may have heard the term Gigabit Internet a lot lately, usually in connection with the rollout of fiber broadband across North America. But what is it exactly? Simply put, it means Internet access running at speeds of 1000 megabits …
7 New Terms Every Broadband Installer Should Know
As high-speed fiber crisscrosses North America there are still many last-mile challenges bringing it into buildings. Because of this, many new terms are being cited for iterations of the service. With fiber able to deliver gigabit speeds over very long …
Can copper cabling survive in a fiber world?
Two new technologies – G.fast and Cat8 – are improving copper cable options. This opens up new opportunities for telcos that have large amounts of legacy copper infrastructure, which currently cannot handle the speed and bandwidth that can be delivered …
Top 2015 Trends in the Telecommunications Industry
The 12 months ahead hold big things for the telecommunications industry, especially with fiber expected to reach many more homes and businesses. Here is the first of a two-part series on what this year has in store for OSP and …