Installer Tips on Terminating Data Cabling
Data cables are continually evolving presenting the installer with the challenge of keeping up. Some old timers will fondly remember Cat3 station wire, but with fiber becoming more prevalent it may be sooner than later that all copper cabling becomes …
Tips for Fiber Installers
As the rate of fiber to the home (FTTH) deployment accelerates broadband installers will need to become familiar with some new requirements. Here are some tips to get you started. Quality To begin with, make sure to use high-quality fiber …
How Point-to-Point and Passive Optical Fiber Networks are Different
Every broadband installer should know about the different types of fiber networks. The two main ones are: point-to-point and passive optical network (PON). Think of how a phone call works and you’ll get the gist of a point-to-point network. There’s …
What’s Inside an Optical Fiber Cable
Fiber is often touted as being much faster than copper, but what exactly does that mean? The main difference between these two types of cable is that one conducts electricity and the other transmits light. The signal in a fiber …