Should your customers stick with Wi-Fi or Switch to a Smart Home Hub?
When it comes to smart homes, your customers have more options than ever. Wi-Fi, the old IEEE wireless standard, is still the most ubiquitous and least expensive approach. But for some homes, Wi-Fi might not be the most advantageous, especially …
How Structured Wiring Can Support Smart Home Security Trends
The home security industry is changing and changing fast. Gone are the days where companies like ADT reigned supreme, providing security-conscious homeowners with fully monitored systems that connect to the home’s phone line or through a cellular module. Today, the …
Four smart home hubs you need to know about
As the number of smart home options increases, the demand on your customer’s wireless network rises along with it. You may have installed a Wi-Fi transparent media panel for the router, but with more and more devices in use, the home …
Home Automation Systems Designed for Builders and Integrators
Once an option only for the wealthy, the smart home is on its way to ubiquity. Today’s consumer wants to move into a brand new home, with automation features pre-installed and ready to use. This is convenient, and it allows …
When to use the Z-Wave standard for the smart home
Home owners and facility managers have a lot to think about when setting up Internet of Things (IoT) functionality for the smart home. Some decisions are easy enough. For example, the wiring enclosure is selected based on whether fiber optic …