Dear Valued Primex Customers,

We are sailing through uncharted waters as the effects of the spread of Covid-19 has impacted the entire world in which we live. At Primex, we are committed to preserving the safety of our employees and to serve our customers with the best in product quality and delivery performance.

To date, we have not seen any issues in maintaining proper levels of stock in the 4 warehouses that we have throughout North America. Our plants are in full operation and there has been no interruption in our supply chain. We are however in a dynamic situation and we are working on contingencies should there be a change in world events.

Effective immediately we have made changes throughout our operation including;

  • Ceasing personal meetings with customers and suppliers in favor of teleconferencing
  • Minimizing the number of office staff through implementing a “work at home” regimen
  • Cancelling all business travel
  • Increased sanitizing of all surfaces

Further changes are being considered as the situation evolves. While implementing this program we want to assure you that, at this time, we do not see any interruptions in our service delivery.

We are taking these steps to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff while continuing to serve you to the best of our ability.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.


Bob Smart
President & CEO
Primex Technologies, Inc.